I am having a strange issue with an app I am working on. I get a
pinwheel of death. Its not consistently reproducible, but does happen
sometimes. When I pause in the debugger it breaks into assembly code
so I am not sure how to trace it. Where can I look next?
I am trying to understand NSCursor better. I have an animation that
takes place in my view and I don't want to allow any mouse or keyboard
interaction while the animation is running. That is easy to do. While
this is happening I want to display some kind of custom "waiting"
cursor which I have been
I am trying to understand NSCursor better. I have an animation that
takes place in my view and I dont want to allow any mouse or keyboard
interaction while the animation is running. That is easy to do. While
this is happening I want to display some kind of custom "waiting"
cursor which I have been
> On Dec 5, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Adam Gerson wrote:
>> Thanks to all who responded. Let me explain my situation a little
>> better. I am storing several string values into an XML file. I want to
>> obscure one of them. When I encrpyt the NSString to an NSdata I can
> On Dec 2, 2010, at 6:30 AM, Adam Gerson wrote:
>> I am writing an NSString to a file and I would like to obscure it in a two
>> way reversible fashion.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
I am writing an NSString to a file and I would like to obscure it in a
two way reversible fashion. It doesn't have to be major hacker proof,
just not understandable by an average person. I need to be able to
read the value back in from the file and convert it back to "clear
text". In php I would ju
If all I want is an image that acts like a button, do I need to
subclass NSButton? I just want my button to show only my image and no
"Apple" style button backgrounds.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do not po
I have set up some NSUserDefaults and used bindings to bind them to
some checkboxes and radiobuttons in my nib. I want the act of checking
some of the checkboxes to uncheck or check other checkboxes. I did
this by registering for a NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification.
Then inside userDefaultsDidCh
... }
> It's going to become:
> if (NO;) { ... }
> See the problem? You've got a semicolon in there. Generally, you don't end
> a #define with a semicolon unless you want a semicolon in the place where the
> #define will be used.
> Dave
I have the following constant set up. I have tried all three of these
variations and none of them work in an if statement in cocoa. I get
error: expected `)' before ';' token
#define IsDemo NO;
#define IsDemo false;
#define IsDemo 0;
if (IsDemo) {
Same problem, when I try:
#define Fr
"The Video Lan dev team has recently come forward with a notice that
the number of active developers for the project's MacOS X releases has
dropped to zero, prompting a halt in the release schedule. There is
now a disturbing possibility that support for Mac will be dropped as
of 1.1.0. As the most
I would like to insert objects out of order into an NSMutableArray.
I create the array with
NSMutableArray* cards = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
When I try to call
[cards insertObject:card atIndex:4];
I get the error:
*** -[NSCFArray insertObject:atIndex:]: index (4) beyond b
I have a radiobutton set. If the second radio button (index = 1) is
checked I would like a checkbox to become enabled. Is there any way
with bindings to conditionally say If radiobuttonset.index = 1 then
enable yourself, If radiobuttonset.index=0 (or anything else) unenable
and uncheck yourself?
I have two checkboxes in a preferences window which are bound to user
defaults. The second checkbox should only be enabled if the first
checkbox its true. I have this working great with bindings. The second
checkboxe's enabled binding is bound to the value of the first one.
However, if the first ch
I have a view that looks just fine in interface builder. When I
display it in a window in my app it cuts off the bottom part of the
content. Visual:
What could cause this?
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Coco
Hey John,
Does this help? I am hiding the dock elsewhere with SetSystemUIMode.
// Calculate the size to make the new screen.
NSRect fullScreenRect = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame];
// Uses the menu bar screen. -mainWindow has problems.
fullScreenRect.size.height -= [[NSApp mainMenu
creating a Kiosk?
> BTW, how does the Dock fit into your idea of what "fullscreen mode" is?
> regards,
> douglas
> PS: as for -enterFullScreenMode:options: being buggy, please see the
> discussion here:
> <http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive
I am looking to implement a fullscreen window while showing the
menubar. The consensus is that NSView's enterFullScreenMode is buggy
and doesn't support showing the menu bar. What is the alternative? Are
there any good examples out there? I have done many google searches
and read through the archiv
on, Jan 19, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Jim Correia wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2009, at 10:36 PM, Adam Gerson wrote:
>> The cards in the hand are drawn overlapping.
> [...]
>> Could anyone shed some slight on what could be occurring?
> Overlapping sibling views are supp
Hey Kyle,
Thanks for the suggestion. Can you tell me more about this idea. It
doesn't look like I can set an NSButton's NSButtonCell and
NSButtonCell isn't a child of NSView so I can't draw it directly as a
sub view. Once I have my sub class of NSButtonCell how do I render
into onto the screen.
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Adam Gerson wrote:
> I am trying to help someone solve a problem with their code. I did not
> write the code myself. As far as I can tell they have a custom NSView
> subclass that has some subviews. The view represents a hand of playing
> cards. The s
I am trying to help someone solve a problem with their code. I did not
write the code myself. As far as I can tell they have a custom NSView
subclass that has some subviews. The view represents a hand of playing
cards. The subviews themselves are custom NSButton subclasses that
represent individual
Thanks Andy. Kyle, you make a good point. It dangerious to allow an
app to annoy the user. I am building a menu extra that always shows up
in the menu bar, but its icon is hidden from the dock and is never
consider front by the OS. When these choose an item from my menu it
cuases a window to open (
I want to be able to pop up an alert message even when my app is not
the front most app. How can I bring my app to the front, or how can I
cause the system to display an alert window in front of all open
windows of any application?
I signed up for the Advanced Mac OS X Bootcamp at The Big Nerd Ranch.
They don't yet have enough people to hold the class and I want it to
happen so I am hoping more people will sign up. I took the Objective-C
& Cocoa Bootcamp at the BNR and it was a fantastic experience.
Dec 8 - 12
Advanced Mac
like many other new Image Kit items, it's buggy as heck.
> Adam Knight
> Co-founder; CTO
> On Apr 4, 2008, at 11:39 PM, Adam Gerson wrote:
> I know its a hybrid approach, but the upside is I did not have to call
> reloadData.
In cocoa its very tempting to write a single line of code like:
NSManagedObject *selectedTreeObject = [self delegate]
mainWindowController] treeController] selectedObjects]
or to flush it out in to individual lines:
NSWindowController *mainWindow = [[self delegate] mainWindo
However, I am using CoreData with my TreeController bound to a Managed
Object Context. Can I still supply a contentArray in this situation?
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Jonathan Dann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> I've just finished a blog post on this, it's not about using it
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 7:01 PM, andy knasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I searched the archives and found some old posts, but i'm wondering what
> current
ing that presentation implementation down into my model objects.
> The proxy approach is a little more work, but it's not all that bad if you
> remember to "use the Force" (the wonderful-ness of key-value observing).
> I hope this helps; if I can clarify please let me
I know its a hybrid approach, but the upside is I did not have to call
reloadData. As soon as I added an object to the arraycontroller it
became available in the view.
On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 12:28 AM, Steve Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 4, 2008, at 2:18 PM,
It does work. I have defined a core data entity that conforms to
IKBrowerItem protocol and my IKImageBrowserView is working with
bindings. I think you still need to point the delegate and data source
outlets to an object that implements the datasource methods:
All good ideas from Andy. I sometimes get arround this issue by using
the "tag" in IB. It has to be an int so I define
#define TABLE1 1
#define TABLE2 2
#define TABLE3 3
Then you can get a reference to your table with
if ([tableView tag] == TABLE3)
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 6:07 PM, Je
fter awakeFromNib and
Remedy: You can execute the fetch "manually" with
fetchWithRequest:merge:error:—see "Core Data and Cocoa Bindings."
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 12:42 AM, Adam Gerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a classic NS
You could set up a delegate for the combo box and implement
controlTextDidEndEditing. Then programatically add the value to your
array controller:
NSManagedObjectContext * context = [[NSApp delegate] managedObjectContext];
NSManagedObject *yourObject = [NSEntityDescription
I have a classic NSTreeController / NSOutlineView situation. The
TreeController has a SortDescriptor on it. I am programatically adding
a leaf node to a group node. It does not appear in the OutlineView
when I first add it. When I inspect the CoreData .xml file the leaf
node is there and it appears
What is bound to your NSTreeController? If its something like an
OutlineView you can have the delegate impliment
outlineViewSelectionDidChange. I tested it in my app and it does get
called when the OutlineView selection is changes to empty.
On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Jeff LaMarche <[EM
"CocoaHeads is a group devoted to discussion of Apple Computer's Cocoa
Framework for programming on MacOS X. During monthly meetings, members
present on their projects and offer tutorials on various programming
On Sat, Mar 29,
I had some problems with OutlineView and SplitView redraws. I switched
over to RBSplitView and its worked great since. I think the general
consensus is that NSSplitView can behave strangely.
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 7:57 PM, Milen Dzhumerov <[EMAIL PR
I just came across this great Apple NSTreeController / NSOutlineView example.
It incorporates a lot of 10.5 style techniques into one example.
-Image and text cells
-iTunes like groups in OutlineView
-10.5 Window styles
If this is comenly known I appologize, but I have spent a lot
I have an OutlineView bound to an NSTreeController. I would like to
set the selected row of the OutlineView at the applications launch to
the second row. It defaults to the first. I have tried many
combination of the code below to no avail. If I trigger the code from
a button it works just fine. So
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Hamish Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Adam Gerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok, I understand. So I bind both the OutlineView and the
> > TreeController to a third obj
With 10.5's new screen sharing ability is there away to embed screen
sharing into my app? I would like to pop up a window in my cocoa app
that allows a user to remote view or control the desktop of another
mac. I know I can launch the screen sharing app externally with vnc://
> Ah.. I'm not quite sure you got what I meant. In a (document-based)
> app set up an NSArray *selectionIndexPaths ivar, so the
> NSTreeController then binds its @"selectionIndexPaths" binding to the
> keypath @"File's Owner.selectionIndexPaths" where file's owner is the
> owner of the nib co
ler, arrangedObjects, but this is a dead end. I can't see how
> to make the combobox choose the entry. The combo box doesn't have the
> same binding options as a popup menu.
> Any advice as to how to approach this would be great.
> Ian.
> O
> On Mar 26, 2008, at 11:06 PM, Adam Gerson wrote:
> > Each table should have its own ArrayController if the two tables
> > represent the data from two different entities. Since you entities are
> > related I am assuming one entity ha
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Rick Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Question 2: I can see how a text field gets populated when you select
> an item in the table. How can I get a one table to populate based on
> the selection in another?
Each table should have its own ArrayController if th
I take that back. [outlineView selectedRow] does appear to tell the
absolute truth. So I should now be able to try what you said and tie
the tree controller's @"selectionIndexPaths" to [outlineView
selectedRow]. I will report back my results...
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 11:12
ble and you cab then see
> each time the variable changes. Not sure if it will cover all the
> bases you need though.
> You'd get an array if selection index paths and then just see if the
> count of the array is 1 for single selection or more if you have
> multiple.
Hey Jens,
Thanks for getting back to me.
> > When I
> > remove an object from the TreeController the row representing the
> > deleted object disappears and OutlineView selects the next row, but
> > does not send a notification to the delegate method
> > outlineViewSelectionDidChange.
> II
I have an NSOutlineView column bound to an NSTreeController. When I
remove an object from the TreeController the row representing the
deleted object disappears and OutlineView selects the next row, but
does not send a notification to the delegate method
outlineViewSelectionDidChange. When I manuall
On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Chris Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 23, 2008, at 4:55 PM, Adam Gerson wrote:
> > A specific question:
> It is always good to ask specific questions. "Is still broken in
> 10.5?&quo
> The proxy approach is a little more work, but it's not all that bad if you
> remember to "use the Force" (the wonderful-ness of key-value observing).
> I hope this helps; if I can clarify please let me know.
> Doug K;
> On Sun, Ma
A general question:
I have read a lot of discouraging posts on this list and out on the
blogs about the trio of NSTreeController, NSOutlIneView and CoreData.
Most of them come from the 10.4 era. Under 10.5 is this something that
is working better now?
A specific question:
A lot of the NSTreeContr
:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView
willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn
to update the values in the custom cell from the data in my item.
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Adam Gerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to use the custom Apple
I want to use the custom Apple subclass ImageAndTextCell.h in my
NSOutlineView. How would I hook up the Text and Images used by this
custom sub-class to a TreeController's data? The "value" binding
already populates the text of the cell. Is there away for me to add a
second binding to the sub-class
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Adam Gerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am looking at the code to create an automatic slideshow inside my
> application. When I start the slideshow playing with
> runSlideshowWithDataSource
I would like multiple copies of my coredata app to read from and save
to the same XML file located on a server. I see that
persistentStoreCoordinator just uses an NSURL which is great for
remote reading because I can pass it an http url. However, Is there a
good way to establish writableility throu
I am looking at the code to create an automatic slideshow inside my
application. When I start the slideshow playing with
runSlideshowWithDataSource:inMode:options: the slide show controls
(next, previous, end show, etc..) are showing. I would like to hide
these by default when the slideshow starts.
> Disclaimer: I've never tried this myself, I've only read about it.
> You can read more at:
> http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/KeyValueCoding/Concepts/ArrayOperators.html
> On Feb 26, 2008, at 7:34 PM, Adam Ge
> > Thanks, this does directly address my question. Not exactly sure what
> > to do with it. I tried calling fetchWithRequest:merge:error: in
> > awakeFromNib and then trying to access the managed object, but that
> > didn't work.
> >
> Is the outlet to the array controller connected?
> mm
ROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 2, 2008, at 6:36 PM, Adam Gerson wrote:
> > NSArray *allServers = [serverLibraryArrayController arrangedObjects];
> >
> > This code works just fine with I invoke it with a button click.
> > However, if I put it in awakeFrom
I am trying to programatically get some data from an array controller
when my program launches.
NSArray *allServers = [serverLibraryArrayController arrangedObjects];
This code works just fine with I invoke it with a button click.
However, if I put it in awakeFromNib or ApplicationDidFInishLaunchi
> salary limit key.
> I hope I have been of assistance.
> Good luck,
> Phil.
> On 27 Feb 2008, at 00:01, Adam Gerson wrote:
> I did look into NSPredicate and the Predicate Programming Guide. I
> understand the concept of filtering th
NSPredicate. Then bind the controller's filter predicate to the
> file owners predicate method. This will automatically filter your
> controllers values.
> Hope this helps.
> Phil.
> On 26 Feb 2008, at 22:00, Adam Gerson wrote:
> I have a core data object
I have a core data object. I would like to populate a TableView with
only the unique entires for a specific property. Clearly I could
filter the results in code, I was wondering if there was away for core
data and bindings to do it.
Cocoa-dev m
Those methods return NSInteger's. To get a reference to the
NSTableColumn you should call something like
int column = [[yourTableView selectedColumn] intValue];
NSTableColumn myColumn = [[yourTableView tableColumns] objectAtIndex:column];
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Quincey Morris
In this example you are able to use drag and drop to change the order
of items in a single tableview, and to change group membership of
nested items in objects with relationships, all with Core Data. The
behavior is like iTunes style Playlist / Song relationships.
A few other bonuses:
-an "instan
My Appologies. This is working now. Can't exactly explain how. I set
the NSTableView's delegate outlet to my window controller and then it
On 2/23/08, Adam Gerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I have this very close to working. My understanding is that
I think I have this very close to working. My understanding is that
for drag and drop to work I have to set some object as the
NSTableView's data source even though technically the table columns
are bound to an NSArrayController for data. In my data source object I
have implemented the nessesery me
Your NSArray needs to be an array of KVC compliant objects. Is this the case?
Do you have the NSTableColumn's value binding set to the controller
key "arrangedObjects" and the model key path set to an attribute of
your KVC class?
You could use a CoraData object to do some of the heavy lifting for
71 matches
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