So the other thing which came to my mind was similar to what you have
a. Declare Displayable protocol with func display()
b. Let each Model implement this protocol
c. Within forEach on children I can just bind and typecast to the protocol
and invoke display method on it
However this lo
> Is there any other elegant way to achieve the desired behavior without
> using `if-let + typecasting`?
One way is to use classes instead on structs and define display as a method on
those classes. I’m no Swift expert but I expect you may find value in making
display() into a protocol.
I have 3 structs:
struct Address: Codable {
var addressLine1: String
struct Person: Codable {
var name: String
struct Order: Codable {
var person: Person?
var address: Address?
In my ViewController class I am using Mirror to access eac