Here it is for iOS (I assume that this is low-level enough that it is almost
the same cross-platform):
My first thought would be to either cre
Probably should have mentioned this is Mac, not iOS.
Yes, there are Audio Units, but they’re not really what I’m after. You can’t
simply create a generator audio unit and use it in an app to generate tones (as
far as I’m aware) - it has to be part of the whole Core Audio signal chain. I’m
This is way out of my area of expertise, but it appears you want AudioUnits:
> On May 28, 2016, at 8:24 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m looking for general pointers to the simplest/quickest way
On May 28, 2016, at 8:27 PM, Daryle Walker wrote:
> The last argument to the method is a closure with four parameters. The first
> argument is an optional String. I can't think of a circumstance where it'll
> be NIL. (I need to know for testing.) Especially since it can be recreated in
> ter
Hi all,
I’m looking for general pointers to the simplest/quickest way to generate an
audio tone (sine wave) of a given frequency and duration. Most of the audio
APIs seem concerned with playing samples rather than generating tones, so it’s
not immediately obvious where to look.
The last argument to the method is a closure with four parameters. The first
argument is an optional String. I can't think of a circumstance where it'll be
NIL. (I need to know for testing.) Especially since it can be recreated in
terms of the callback's second argument, which isn't optional. (S