> On 26 Apr 2016, at 2:08 AM, Dave wrote:
> If anyone knows the secret please let me know!
Set the associated text container to an extremely wide width. The text won’t
wrap unless there’s a line break.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Coco
My product is a System Preferences Pane. Its principal class is MyPrefPane
and is defined correctly in the Info.plist file under NSPrincipalClass.
The bug I am seeing happens when trying to install a new version over the
top of an older one if (and only if) System Preferences is closed or System
I tried the following:
myTextView = [self documentView];
[[[myTextView textStorage] mutableString] appendString:theString];
myRange = NSMakeRange(0,[[[myTextView textStorage] mutableString] length] - 1);
[[myTextView textStorage] addAttribute:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName
value:[NSNumber numberW
Hi Bill,
I’m familiar with NSAttributedString and friends. I had thought that there was
a higher level interface to it as it seems like a common thing to want to do.
Basically my ScrollView is just a scrolling line log similar to XCode’s NSLog
window. I’m just appending an NSString to the Docum
> On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:48 AM, Dave wrote:
> I can’t believe its this hard to set wrapping or not and I can’t find real
> info on this from searching either.
For your purposes, the key point is that NSTextStorage is a subclass of
NSMutableAttributedString, which is in turn a subclass of NS
Hi All,
I seem to remember there being some sample code available to stack or tile
windows to a particular screen. Is this still available somewhere or are there
any built-in Cocoa methods to do this?
I can easily write it myself but if there something around that does the job
I’d rather use i
I’ve found the Text Storage like this:
NSTextStorage* myTextStorage;
myTextStorage = [[self.pLogScrollView documentView] textStorage];
> You can control trucation behavior in an NSTextView by using NSTextStorage,
> which is a subclass of NSMutableAttributedString. The truncation method