In 10.10.5 using a $-prefixed archiving key does NOT work.
Does it work in 10.11?
If not, I will file a bug.
This is my test code:
#import "AppDelegate.h"
static NSString *const kArchivingKey = @"$my archiving key";// no bug
without leading '$'
@interface AppDelegate ()
There are still several key details I seem to be missing.
I have a new commit
which shows an attempt to implement some of this.
I am using my AppDelegate as the restoration class. I have the following in my
On Mar 11, 2016, at 12:55 , Quincey Morris
> just use ‘unsignedIntegerValue’
Oops, forgot you were starting from a NSString, so there’s no unsigned variant.
Use ‘integerValue’ and cast the result (possibly doing a run-time check for a
negative value first).
On Mar 11, 2016, at 12:43 , Carl Hoefs wrote:
> Q1: How can 'long' and 'long long' have the same 8-byte representation?
Go complain to the gods of C. That language is responsible for the concept:
sizeof (int) <= sizeof (long) <= sizeof (long long)
Note the “=“ signs. (It’s all about
On x86_64 OS X systems, ObjC variable type 'long' uses an 8-byte
representation, whereas 'int' uses 4 bytes. I'm converting NSStrings to values,
but it has no 'longValue' method or property. According to the documentation,
NSString supports:
doubleValue - 8 bytes
floatValue- 4 bytes