On 11 May, 2013, at 09:50 , Markus Spoettl wrote:
>> NSError *error = nil; NSURLBookmarkCreationOptions options =
>> NSURLBookmarkCreationSuitableForBookmarkFile |
>> NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope; NSData *bookmarkData = [self.url
>> bookmarkDataWithOptions:options includingResourceValue
I'm pretty sure there are restrictions on passing arguments into an
application if you are launching it from a sandboxed app.
I believe the specific topic of passing arguments was covered in one of the
WWDC videos on app sandboxing in 2012 (might have been WWDC 2011).
Unfortunately, sandboxing beh
On 5/11/13 8:56 AM, Antonio Nunes wrote:
NSError *error = nil; NSURLBookmarkCreationOptions options =
NSURLBookmarkCreationSuitableForBookmarkFile |
NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope; NSData *bookmarkData = [self.url
bookmarkDataWithOptions:options includingResourceValuesForKeys:nil