Stus-List What is it for? ???

2014-05-23 Thread Eric Cahn via CnC-List
I have a box under starboard cockpit bench that catches rain from whole seat and has a drain open to bilge. I am changing its drain to out the bilge pump outlet below it, as I have removed my bilge loop and am now pumping out near gunwhale. What was it designed to do? What have others done to best

Re: Stus-List List or forum

2015-03-14 Thread Eric Cahn via CnC-List
I rarely post, but do try to read most things. Some subjects are more important and relevant to me and some posts I just plain delete either because I have a zillion posts in my mailbox or because I'm not interested in subject or how the conversation has digressed from the topic. I would much pre

Re: Stus-List Deck hardware for mooring

2015-03-14 Thread Eric Cahn via CnC-List
{{{>You want to size mooring lines so there is some give, just like an anchor > line. Bigger is not necessarily better. > > In a large storm, stagger maybe 5 lines of different length so that one > takes over as another breaks. They will break in big storms. > > I never saw a mooring cleat pull out

Re: Stus-List Stove

2017-10-28 Thread Eric Cahn via CnC-List
I have a 1977 26. Mine came with a two burner alcohol stove starboard of companion way and galley sink. I have the bolt on pot clamps and works wonderfully, especially perking coffee. If you have to mount onehmm. perhaps a gimbal one port side, forward of ice box. On Oct 26, 2017 15:22, "Kyle

Re: Stus-List Stove

2017-10-29 Thread Eric Cahn via CnC-List
Most people don’t know that what’s known as “Natural Gas” is actually composed of multiple gases: Propane, butane, ethane, and methane. Propane, a part of “raw” natural gas, is separated from the other gas components during processing at most gas facilities. Since propane contains more than twice