> Sent from my Samsung device
> Original message
> From: Tom Alessi via CnC-List
> Date: 2016-08-02 2:35 PM (GMT-04:00)
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Cc: Tom Alessi
> Subject: Stus-List mast collor straps
> Tightening the rig
Cc: jhnelson ; Tom Alessi
Subject: Re: Stus-List mast collor straps
For the record you want to un-tighten the rig. Tightening should make it worse.
Even have Backstay off.
I put my straps on before putting my mast all the way in.
Sent from my Samsung device
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: Tom Alessi
Subject: Stus-List mast collor straps
Tightening the rig didn't work. The next step was
to do like you suggested with adding something under the mast. I'm a little
apprensiveĀ of causing damage to the deck with just lifting an
Tightening the rig didn't work. The next step was to do like you suggested with
adding something under the mast. I'm a little apprensive of causing damage to
the deck with just lifting and dropping.
Tom Alessi
C&C 36, 1980
Rockaway Bch, NY