Probably a good call Shawn- if you see dubious mods and substandard work in the
brokerage listing there is no doubt plenty more yet to find.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 23, 2023, at 5:16 PM, Shawn Wright via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Thanks, all for the feedback on the LF43. We have decide
Thanks, all for the feedback on the LF43. We have decided to pass on the
boat recently listed on FB (Tarquin). The decision was based on a
combination of price and some unexplained water damage on the starboard
side that made me uncomfortable. Additional photos also showed too many
owner additions
Only three LF43s that I know of for sale right now, 2 on YW, and one on FB.
No idea how many were made, and I suspect any that have seen hull damage in
the past 10-15 years were instantly written off (which of course is a
concern for offshore...)
We are also considering the Nelson-Marek designed M
Top left it says June 2016, no too current but great idea!
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 4:20 PM Dennis C. via CnC-List <> wrote:
> In Gallows Bay Marina? Here's a link to street view. I couldn't find it
> but no idea when Google's camera drove through.
In Gallows Bay Marina? Here's a link to street view. I couldn't find it
but no idea when Google's camera drove through.,-64.6975807,3a,75y,76.4h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s_Kwt4KdX8XRadP-IZKZbzA!2e0!
FYI- Not sure if it is for sale, but pretty sure there is a 43 sitting on
the hard in Gallows Bay on St Croix. Been there for several years. Always
wondered what the story was, and unsure about status. Light blue hull.
Ketch rigged, which seems rare.
*Chuck Saur*
517 490-5926 Cell
On Mon <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Landfall 43 opinions
I worked on both of them back in the day. The IP series are all full keel
boats with barn door rudders. They can be quite the pain to get into a slip
in a cramped marina. The one on my pier can
Who said they sail like a dog?
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 11:13 AM david coleman via CnC-List <> wrote:
> Not being alot for sale is a sign of not too many were made relative to
> other production boats and owners just like them .We have had ours over 15
> yrs.With that said
, Joe ; david coleman
Subject: Stus-List Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Landfall 43 opinions
Not being alot for sale is a sign of not too many were made relative to other
production boats and owners just like them .We have had ours over 15 yrs.With
that said I do have my price thatI would sale her for like
Della Barba, Joe ; Neil Andersen
Subject: Stus-List Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Landfall 43 opinions
I didn’t say they were bad, just knock-offs. In the mid40’s+, the IP’s seemed
well suited for serious travel and quite a number have circumnavigated the
world. There lack of balsa wood fiberglas> >
Subject: Stus-List Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Landfall 43 opinions
I disagree. I knew someone with a Caliber 40 LRC and I really liked the
boat. Not a race boat at all, but a faster boat and better laid out for
offshore than an Island Packet.
As for the Landfall 43s
Not being alot for sale is a sign of not too many were made relative to
other production boats and owners just like them .We have had ours over 15
yrs.With that said I do have my price thatI would sale her for like
everyone here has their price.We have moved to west coast of Florida
now.As for t
Hall, MD 21661
From: Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 10:56:54 AM
To: Stus-List
Cc: Della Barba, Joe
Subject: Stus-List Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Landfall 43 opinions
I disagree. I knew someone with a Caliber 40 LRC and I really
I disagree. I knew someone with a Caliber 40 LRC and I really liked the boat.
Not a race boat at all, but a faster boat and better laid out for offshore than
an Island Packet.
As for the Landfall 43s, the biggest issue with them is that there are very few
for sale anywhere in the world. You do n
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