Fortunately Your group won't have to deal with a strike, anyway, . . . NEWS RELEASEFor Immediate ReleaseAugust 17, 2012Contact: Dan McFadden, 860.572.5317dan.mcfad...@mysticseaport.orgMystic Seaport Employees Reject UnionMystic, Conn. – The employees of Mystic Seaport today voted down an attempt t
This e-mail is meant for David Risch. I inadvertently posted it to the whole
list. I apologize.
Richard Walter
--- On Sat, 8/18/12, Richard Walter wrote:
From: Richard Walter
Subject: Stus-List C & C Rendezvous space reservation
Date: Saturday, Augus
We have a reservation on the Campbell Room at Mystic Seaport starting at 6PM on
Saturday, September 22. The cost is $150.00.
The room, which is located under the planetarium, seats up to 30. Chairs will
be brought in.There is no whiteboard in the room and Mystic Seaport has none to