Interested in any experience with a davit system for about 200LB dinghy/motor
setup for a 86 38-3? Appreciate any ideas. Was wenching it up off water with
my boom While at slip. Too hard on rigging?
Mike from SD___
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Has anyone replaced the traveler system or found alternate blocks. So cramped
in there?___
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Interested in any experience with Quantum, Ullman and North sails. 135 Is a
very stiff (Fibre or Membrane) to handle heavy air 15-25 knots heel and
weather helm worth the investment?___
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I recently purchased a 38-3. Now need to replace headsail. Could use some
input on 110 vs 135 vs 150 use. I'm replacing a135 which rounded us up or
resulted in heavy weather helm with small crew. I also singlehand a lot so I'm
trying to figure out what workd best for me San Diego sailing. A