I have been watching as well Absolutely amazing to watch them fly! can you
imagine 43 knots? Skilz for sure ! Wow just wow
John Conklin
S/V Halcyon
S/V Heartbeat
> On Jan 16, 2021, at 4:30 PM, dwight veinot via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Man would I ever love to drive one of those boats. Nev
Man would I ever love to drive one of those boats. Never will. I know that
so sad. Don’t underestimate the total sailing skills required to make these
boats perform. I got so much respect for those sailors managing above and
below water foils. Sir Ben is making a good attempt to win the Cup back f
I have removed and resealed the hatch cover on my LF38–it is a big job. If you
want pics let me know...
Bob Boyer
s/v Rainy Days
C&C Landfall 38 (Hull # 230)
(Spending winters in the Bahamas, summers on the Chesapeake Bay, and somewhere
on the ICW in between)
blog: dainyrays.blogspot.com