I have no ideadidnt get into it with him
Bill Walker
On Saturday, March 2, 2019 Matthew L. Wolford via CnC-List
Bill: Are they thinking that the 39’s rating is too high or not high
enough? My friend Bill Coleman on this list rates about 15 seconds/mile higher
than my
Are they thinking that the 39’s rating is too high or not high enough? My
friend Bill Coleman on this list rates about 15 seconds/mile higher than my 42
Custom, and I can’t point with Bill until the wind’s blowing over 12 and even
then he gives me fits. There are one or two points o
Well, my region representative for Lake Michigan phrf says that they are
collecting data on a number of things that do not affect phrf, why he doesn't
know, but rudder stock is one. He says that lmphrf is taking a hard look at
several C&C models, the 39 being one..
I told him I guessed that mi
Hello Listers
Located in Chilliwack BC
Stacey's knowledge & customer service get my vote!
sv Truancy
CnC 34
On Sat., Mar. 2, 2019, 08:37 Matthew L. Wolford via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> I believe Ronco makes custom tanks. They also have
I went through this exercise last winter. The prices for a fabricated plastic
tank were outrageous. I believe it was Rocco tried to match something up that
might have been close to the original but, couldn't find anything. That would
have been cost effective if they had. The best solution is
I believe Ronco makes custom tanks. They also have a large selection of oddly
shaped tanks from which to choose. Shipping from the west coast can be
expensive (depending on where you’re located).
From: Adam Hayden via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 9:48 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Thank you to the 26 of you so far who have responded to the C&C 2019 Northeast
Rendezvous. I’ll keep the survey open for at least a couple of more weeks.
If you missed it, here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3VLZX9B
Should not take more than a minute or two to complete.
In some cases it seems C&C did both hollow tube and solid bar, at the same
time. On a construction drawing for the C&C 37 R and 37+, dated 1990, it
shows the rudder post to be:
"3.15" O.D x 1.97" I.D. Hollow S.S. Bar w.2" dia. S.S. Round Bar pressed
and welded" with the 2" round bar extending out