Re: Stus-List Crew Assignments - 35mkIII

2015-08-15 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
Having been crew for over 10 years, it is my opinion that pigeon holing positions is great in theory if you can get the same crew week after week. Otherwise you need crew that is flexible and can adapt quickly. For example, foredeckers make the best cockpit and midships crew since they can antici

Re: Stus-List jelly substance on filters

2015-08-15 Thread Jim Watts via CnC-List
Probably because you put in the biocides. If your tank was bad to start with, all those dead critters have to go somewhere. By "secondary" filter I am assuming you are not talking about the on-engine filter but a Racor...correct me if I'm wrong. Finding goo only in the on-engine filter would be ver

Stus-List jelly substance on filters

2015-08-15 Thread Bev Parslow via CnC-List
Problems getting the Yanmar 2gmf to go. Found the secondary filter completely clogged with a jellylike substance. Have put in biocides, extra power stuff. Only thing not added is Vatican Holy Water. Why the jelly? ___ Email address: CnC-List@cnc-list.c

Re: Stus-List 34+ boom rigging Q's

2015-08-15 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
Dave, Follow the link for some pictures of my rig related to your previous questions. Josh On Aug 14, 2015 4:51 AM, "davepulaski via CnC-List" wrote: > So my new-to-me 34+ is now in the water and I'm working on getting > every

Re: Stus-List 34+ lower intermediate shrouds

2015-08-15 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
I stand corrected. Looking at it today i checked and my lower shrouds are straight. Its my check stays that are bent and that's because i move them forward on the toe rail. Josh On Aug 14, 2015 3:51 PM, "Josh Muckley" wrote: > Looks like mine. > > I wouldn't hesitate to disconnect them. Count

Re: Stus-List cleaning heat exchanger

2015-08-15 Thread Rick Brass via CnC-List
Dwight; I think your thermostat is 165 degrees, so the engine temperature should run from about 165 to 180 depending on the load on the engine. You said you were pumping more water through the system than before. Does your boat still have the 1 ½” exhaust outlet that was used for the A4 e

Re: Stus-List 34+ lower intermediate shrouds

2015-08-15 Thread Rick Brass via CnC-List
Dave; There definitely seems to be something wrong. The shrouds should be straight when under tension. The ball joints at the top of my shrouds look something like an apostrophe ( , ) with the ball off to one side of the joint. If I were to guess, I’d say the guys who were setting the mast

Re: Stus-List Looking at a C&C 40-2 AC (Aft Cabin)

2015-08-15 Thread David Donnelly via CnC-List
Andrew I looked up the article you referenced since I find that special something about the 40 that draws my attention every time. I will someday own one just not ready yet. My favorite line of the article, and so true as I do it almost time I leave my mooring to come home: " Finally, I have to s

Re: Stus-List Crew Assignments - 35mkIII

2015-08-15 Thread Dennis C. via CnC-List
Jonathan, First thing I'd recommend you do is to install a spinnaker halyard parker cleat. Get one of these: Add a camcleat and bolt it to your mast so your mastman can hoist the chute, "park" the halyard and move on to oth

Re: Stus-List Crew Assignments - 35mkIII

2015-08-15 Thread Tim Goodyear via CnC-List
Jonathan, I think I have what you need (when we get back from a mini-cruise). Do you have any capability to get the halyard back to the cockpit too? That way your pit person could handle all up / down lines. Tim Mojito C&C 35-3 Branford, CT > On Aug 15, 2015, at 9:16 AM, Indigo via CnC-List

Re: Stus-List Universal Engine panel wiring

2015-08-15 Thread Chuck S via CnC-List
On our M4-30, the fuel pump is energized when you turn on the switch and stays on until the switch is turned off. The electric fuel pump is a booster pump and we found we could run the engine to half speed without the pump. (Cleaning the ground connection on the fuel pump, brought it back to lif

Stus-List Crew Assignments - 35mkIII

2015-08-15 Thread Indigo via CnC-List
I have a fairly green crew - and I put myself in that category when it comes to spinnaker handling - and we are trying to move more permanently into the beer can spinnaker division - using a symmetrical spinnaker. I am looking for help in defining specific jobs / task responsibilities to my c

Re: Stus-List 34+ lower intermediate shrouds

2015-08-15 Thread Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List
It is completely safe to disconnect the lower shrouds (if you have the other two attached). Am I correct that you have just stepped the mast and did not sail with it yet? It is quite possible that there is a kink in the wire and it needs to be straightened out. In that case, it would correct it

Re: Stus-List cleaning heat exchanger

2015-08-15 Thread dwight veinot via CnC-List
yesterday first trial under auxilliary power since acid cleaning the salt water heat exchanger...into a 15 kt apparent headwind, no appreciable sea first sweet spot 1600 rpm 4-4.5 kts forward. coolant temp 170F second sweet spot 2200 rpm, 6-6.5 kts forward still 170F smooth but I little louder t

Re: Stus-List 34+ lower intermediate shrouds

2015-08-15 Thread Jake Brodersen via CnC-List
Dave, I wouldn't worry about going up the mast. The loads you will be imparting on the mast are nearly vertical. The shrouds are there for lateral support. Like Ed said, I wouldn't hesitate to go up the mast either. Jake Jake Brodersen "Midnight Mistress" C&C 35 Mk-III Hampton VA