Hi Alex
I would like to help~
But which repository should I use? Form github's javelin or asf's javelin ?
On 13/1/25 上午8:17, "Alex Huang" wrote:
>I wrote up a page on how to write unit tests after the Spring injection
>framework is in. Please see here.
I think let project like a blueprints (or SaaS template ) is a good idea.
If CloudStack can export the SaaS template (something like AWS
Cloudformation in JSON file), it would help the admin easy to use the
template to clone or deploy new service.
In the future this template not only can use
Hi Alex
Yes, You are right . I can add testSourceDirectory into pom.xml. I just
want to make sure why not use maven conversion layout ~:)
If I write any unit test for any module , should I still follow the
standard way post my code into review board?
Beside, I find Javelin branch have some error
I thinks spring-test and junta is good enough for unit integration test
On 13/1/8 上午7:33, "Edison Su" wrote:
>BTW, the current junit test case can be transformed into testNG test case
>in eclipse automatically. So if we decide to switch to testNG for both
>unit test and integration test, i
Since javelin have merge into master and start using spring framework.
Is possible also change project layout to formal maven layout?
Such as src/main/java/
Someone new to this community, like me can help to write som
Happy new year ~:)
2013 will be a key year for cloudstack~
On 13/1/1 下午9:08, "Pranav Saxena" wrote:
>Happy new to year to everyone !
>-Original Message-
>From: Sebastien Goasguen [mailto:run...@gmail.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 5:42 PM
>To: cloudstack-dev