Are Wikidata QRank scores located at https://qrank.wmcloud.org/ still being
hosted and supported by the WikiMedia Cloud Services? Currently, the site
throws 500 errors and is preventing downloading the most recent set of QRank
data. Is this a known intermittent issue, or is that data bei
Wikimedia Cloud Services provides the compute infrastructure that
https://qrank.wmcloud.org and several other services depend on, but
we're not directly involved with operating that particular service and
don't know the specific status of it.
You might have better luck contacting the project m
I moved it to Toolforge, a more modern (Kubernetes-based) infrastructure,
to reduce manual maintenance. https://qrank.toolforge.org/
What would have been a good way to reach out to you and other users? I had
filed a bug on the project repo as FYI, but that's obviously not been
enough. Should there
Maybe create a redirect from old URL to new URL?
Cloud mailing list -- cloud@lists.wikimedia.org
List information:
I am experiencing very slow https file transfer from the instance
mediawiki2latex in the project collection-alt-renderer to my local
computer in Germany. Transfers from upload.wikimedia.org to my local
computer still work quite fast. I already rebooted the instance but it
didn't help. Has