If you have a small snippet of code doing the connection that has the issue
that can be looked at it would help a lot debugging.
Something that comes to mind might be that it's trying to use a unix socket (as
it's connecting to `localhost`), but that might depend on your configuration
and the opt
This could be the same issue as T367464 [0], due to Trove databases
having a default wait_timeout=120, which means that idle connections
get terminated after 2 minutes. Interactive connections (the ones
created when using the "mysql" CLI) have a different
`interactive_timeout` so are not affected.
We’re going to keep both Gerrit and GitLab.
Many of the repositories now on Gerrit require features that are lacking in
- Cross-repository dependent merge requests
- Project gating and deterministic, atomic merges
- Stacked patchsets
- Multiple reviewers
Likewise, GitLab has
Hi Francesco,
That actually sounds very plausible! I think I'm creating the tunnel, then
not starting the script for a few minutes. Or there could be several
minutes of idle time as the script is running.
I've done configuration groups before, so I'll try that and report back.
You may have been notified about Buster VM deprecation on projects where
you are not an admin.
This was in error.
Kindly ignore.
Seyram Komla Sapaty
Developer Advocate
Wikimedia Cloud Services
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