Good night,
I have this function:
(defn treat-requests [input key-request collection]
(let [selecteds (select-keys input key-request)]
(swap! collection conj selecteds)))
and I want to execute that 3 times with 3 differents arguments
How can I do to apply a list of differents arguments to a fu
then you can
> accomplish this without an atom:
> (for [[m ks] [[m1 ks1] [m2 ks2] ...]]
> (select-keys m ks))
> Does just that.
> Take care,
> Moe
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 12:27 AM, Renata Soares > wrote:
>> Good night,
>> I have this
Good Night,
I have this function:
(defn treat-requests [key-request collection]
(let [selecteds (filter #((keyword key-request) %) input)]
(doseq [item selecteds]
(swap! collection conj item
where input is an output of and swap is giving
this following error:
I was passing as a parameter with @ before... it worked when i passed just
the atom name. Thanks.
Em terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2018 20:36:58 UTC-3, André escreveu:
> collection probably isn’t an atom. Do you have a fully working snippet?
> On 04/03/2018 08:24 PM, Renata
oncurrency is an issue with what you are
> doing with the data.
> Read this as well.
> On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 6:24:27 PM UTC-5, Renata Soares wrote:
>> Good Night,
>> I have this function:
I am running 'lein midje' on my project and looks like an infinite loop.
Doesn't show any message of error.
(defproject job-queue "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url "";
:main job-queue.core
:license {:name "Eclipse
It happens with 'lein repl' too (gives timeout in this case).
Em quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2018 20:27:04 UTC-3, Renata Soares escreveu:
> Hello,
> I am running 'lein midje' on my project and looks like an infinite loop.
> Doesn't sho
I found the problem... in my core.clj i was using (slurp *in*) to get
contents via stdin.
'lein midje' performs 'lein run' first?
Em quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2018 20:27:04 UTC-3, Renata Soares escreveu:
> Hello,
> I am running 'lein midje' on
How can I update the atom accounts in the field of operations?
(def accounts (atom [{:id "7512a15b-0770-4a9b-a74b-389374b46461", :balance
0.0, :operations nil, :blocked false}
{:id "7446cfe6-882c-4f25-bad1-5ed8c9aea994", :balance 0.0, :operations
nil, :blocked false}
{:id "3136860d-ab
I have this vec called *inviteds* [:2 :4]
and I want to produce something like (hash-map :2 1, :4 1)
(doall (map #(hash-map % 1) *inviteds*))
but returns ({:2 1} {:4 1})
How can I produce the same result as (hash-map :2 1, :4 1) with doall (or
other similar function)?
I am using future this way:
(doall (map #(future () (range 1 max-size))
When the max-size is small like around 6, if I don't print (println (doall
(map #(future () (range 1 max-size))), the
result becomes empty
(Without print)
renata@renata:~/$ lein run
ranking {}
(With p
It worked, thanks!
Em sábado, 19 de maio de 2018 19:38:28 UTC-3, Alex Engelberg escreveu:
> Not sure what's going on with shutdown-agents, but you could call (run!
> deref ...) to wait for all the futures to complete.
> On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 3:29 PM Renata Soares
I need suggestions of libraries (or others solutions) to implement a soap
server in a clojure project. The project is long-term and i saw some
libraries that are no longer maintained. So anyone uses one of them? Which
is recommended?
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