As Benoît Fleury mentioned, check double quotes around proto-repl version
(see row #7
суббота, 28 июля 2018 г., 15:10:33 UTC+3 пользователь Bruce Hunter написал:
> I have installed Atom and Clojure in order to learn the language, however
> I am having a problem
Hi Alex,
I don't think it would be necessary to scrape the Jenkins server too often.
I speculate daily would be enough, hourly at most.
On Sun, 29 Jul 2018 at 03:42 Alex Miller wrote:
> On contribs, I just added the emeddable build status plugin - that’s easy.
> Migrating to Tra
Hi there,
I wanted to use dynamic loading of namespaces to achieve sort of a plugin
structure but got kind of struck.
I have a leiningen project, with the following files:
-- src/aigympoc/config.clj
(ns aigympoc.config)
(def scenario "aigympoc.scenario1")
- src/aigympoc/scenario1.clj
(ns a
You could write it like this:
(defn scenario-improve []
(let [ns (str "aigympoc." aigympoc.config/scenario)]
(eval (read-string (str "(do (require '" ns ") (" ns "/improve)")
So we require, then run the function. However, we don't need to use eval
here if we require the namespace and fi
Hi James,
thank you so much, that really gave me the right direction.
I integrated your proposal and refactored until I got
- config.clj
(ns aigympoc.config)
(def scenario "aigympoc.scenario2")
- gameloop.clj
(ns aigympoc.gameloop
:init init)
(defn -init
I'm having trouble finding current documentation for type hinting protocol
Things like:
Do you type hint the protocol definition or the implementation?
Does type hinting primitives work?
What about for a return value?
What is the behavior if you type hint some of the parameters but not
Has anyone looked for vulnerabilities exposed by pulling random libraries
from (or and building them? Macros come mind
(mined?!) Solved problem? AFAIK the Rust compiler can't run arbitrary code.
Also instead of choosing "top-N projects on Github" I would begin with the