I need to add something very much like this to my Clojure app:
I currently have source paths set up as:
I believe I can copy-and-paste most of this code in
I've been thinking since using Clojure.spec fdef that I'd like something
like this:
(defns foo
[x string? y int?] string?
Where an s/fdef spec automatically build of this form:
(s/fdef foo
:args (s/cat :x string? :y int?)
:ret string?))
And obviously the foo var and function w
There's a lot of value in separating the specs from the functions. You can
put them in different places and only use just the specs (to spec an API
for example) or just the functions (for production use where you don't need
the specs). And downsides are that it obscures which parts are fn and wh
I think there's the spec is a 'side-band' system (well except we want to
the compiler to know about it for macros) design constraint, but
additionally, I think it's worth thinking about:
Defn right now is primitive enough to be fast and powerful enough for large
programs. There are many general a
I'd like to be able to do something like:
(defn square ^double [^double x] (* x x))
(def meta-square (with-meta square {:domain Double/TYPE :codomain Double/TYPE
:range {:from 0.0 :to Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY :also Double/NaN}})
https://clojure.org/reference/metadata says "Symbols and collection
On Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 8:01:07 PM UTC-5, John Alan McDonald
> I'd like to be able to do something like:
> (defn square ^double [^double x] (* x x))
> (def meta-square (with-meta square {:domain Double/TYPE :codomain Double/TYPE
> :range {:from 0.0 :to Double/POSITIVE_INFIN