On 8 Lis, 08:11, pmf wrote:
> > Hmm, someone else has made another "closure" available :).
> >http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2009/11/introducing-closure-tools.html
> There's also Clozure Common Lisp [1], which is conceptually closer to
> Clojure.
There's also a web browser written in CL cal
Hello I have such data
[ [ "tom" 23 ] [ "ann" 4434 ] [ "tom" 1234 ] ["mike" 34 ] ]
I would like to sort these data so finally i got
[ [ "ann" 4434 ] ["mike" 34 ] [ "tom" 23 ] [ "tom" 1234 ] ]
note that i don't care the order between "tom" keys (1234 can be
before 23)
I have seen sort-by but
Hi All,
I have been watching Clojure for about 6 months. I finally sat down
and tried to code a non-trivial task with it. I come from Java and
have dabbled in LISP but never for something significant.
So I am asking if you would look at the following code and provide
feedback on how it can be
OK. I have figured it out. I just looked into core.clj and noticed that
keyfn is a function which know how to get a value from an element in a
collection. That value is just compared with other.
2009/11/7 Michael Jaaka
> Hello I have such data
> [ [ "tom" 23 ] [ "ann" 4434 ] [ "tom" 1234 ] ["m
Hi! How would you solve such problem:
I have a collection of pairs (key, value) ->
[ [ "tom" 32 ] [ "tom" 2333 ] [ "anne" 12 ] [ "anne" 55 ] ]
As you can see keys can occur more than once, also that collection is very
large so it should be evaluated lazily (for example the collection cames
Hi Alex,
Wow! Thank you so much for this excellent explanation! It totally
makes sense now :-)
On 2009-11-07, at 9:46 PM, Alex Osborne wrote:
> Stefan Arentz wrote:
>> I must admin that I don't fully understand the difference between foo
>> and #'foo. That is probably why I'm making
I've started reading SICP and I came across the Fermat primality test
implemented an Scheme. I reimplemented it in Clojure and was able to
switch the recursive call in fast-prime to TCO/recur, but I was unable
to do the same for the exp-mod function.
(defn exp-mod [base exp m]
One correction: after playing with the functions a bit I noticed I
screwed up, putting sqrt where I needed square.
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Robert Campbell wrote:
> I've started reading SICP and I came across the Fermat primality test
> implemented an Scheme. I reimplemented it in Clojur
Hint: Use an accumulator.
In fact, you may want to consider reading How to Design Programs before SICP.
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Am 08.11.2009 um 13:33 schrieb Michael Jaaka:
> Hi! How would you solve such problem:
> I have a collection of pairs (key, value) ->
> [ [ "tom" 32 ] [ "tom" 2333 ] [ "anne" 12 ] [ "anne" 55 ] ]
> As you can see keys can occur more than once, also that collection
> is very large so it
Can any imperative code be transformed to functional equivalent?
(Give an answer in terms of the same way I can answer on recursion and
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to
You have a bug:
(defn exp-mod [base exp m]
(zero? exp) 1
(even? exp) (mod (Math/sqrt (exp-mod base (/ exp 2) m)) m)
:else (mod (* base (exp-mod base (inc exp) m)) m)))
should be
(defn exp-mod [base exp m]
(zero? exp) 1
(even? exp) (mod (Math/sqrt (exp-mod base
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 8:41 AM, Michael Jaaka
> Can any imperative code be transformed to functional equivalent?
> (Give an answer in terms of the same way I can answer on recursion and
> loops)
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, but sometimes the transformation can get rather unwieldy
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Michael Jaaka
> Hi! How would you solve such problem:
> I have a collection of pairs (key, value) ->
> [ [ "tom" 32 ] [ "tom" 2333 ] [ "anne" 12 ] [ "anne" 55 ] ]
> As you can see keys can occur more than once, also that collection is very
> large so it
Mark: that looks a lot like the "collector" I learned about in The
Little Schemer. I actually do have How to Design Programs, but I
wanted to finish Seasoned Schemer first. I was poking around in SICP
because of a Project Euler problem. Thanks for the tip!
John: good catch. Can you confirm the di
It's one thing to try to protect the programmer from accidentally
shooting himself on the foot, but I don't think it is as necessary for
a language to prevent him from doing it on purpose.
On 8 nov, 02:59, John Harrop wrote:
> user=> (def q 'G__723)
> #'user/q
> user=> (def r (gensym))
> #'user/
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Robert Campbell wrote:
> John: good catch.
> Can you confirm the difference between my original
> defn and your letfn? Both work, but as I understand it from the
> documentation, defn would actually define that local function
> globally, while letfn act
I have this Compojure code that works fine:
(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/api"
(my-code request)))
I want this code to be generated by a macro. My real code is more
complex but the error is the same.
(defmacro mydefroutes []
`(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/api"
(my-code req
(defmacro mydefroutes []
`(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/api"
(my-code ~'request
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Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to clojure@googl
On 2009-11-08, at 3:40 PM, Richard Newman wrote:
> Try
> (defmacro mydefroutes []
> `(defroutes my-routes
> (GET "/api"
> (my-code ~'request
Brilliant! I learn something new every day :-)
You received this message
On Nov 4, 9:07 pm, Lauri Oherd wrote:
> With this patch, the trailing whitespace characters in clojure file
> buffer will be deleted automatically before each save if custom
> parameter 'clojure-mode-cleanup-whitespace' is set.
> This is based on the js2-mode where similar defcustom parameter i
I did search in the API docs for both core and contrib, but didn't
find anything like
Does Clojure have a function like Haskell's group?
In Haskell,
Input: group [1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1]
Output: [[1],[2,2],[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[1]]
Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.
Wilson MacGyver wrote:
> Does Clojure have a function like Haskell's group?
> In Haskell,
> Input: group [1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1]
> Output: [[1],[2,2],[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[1]]
(use 'clojure.contrib.seq-utils)
(partition-by identity [1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1])
=> ((1) (2 2) (1 1 1) (2 2 2) (1))
ah, thank you for the help!
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Alex Osborne wrote:
> Wilson MacGyver wrote:
>> Does Clojure have a function like Haskell's group?
>> In Haskell,
>> Input: group [1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1]
>> Output: [[1],[2,2],[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[1]]
> (use 'clojure.contrib.seq-utils)
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