Hi Vlad,
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 5:36 PM, prhlava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Graham,
>> Bonus question for the bored reader: write a function,
>> (byte-array-maker N), that takes a width N, and returns a function
>> that takes an Integer as input and returns an N-width byte array
>> c
Hello Jeffrey,
> Code is located at:
> http://github.com/jbester/cljext/tree/master/cljext%2Fbinpack.clj
Thanks for the link, more food for study on how to write a generic
Basically, I am scheme/lisp noob, learning it in my spare time, the
progress is slow but rewarding...
Few obs
Hello Graham,
> Bonus question for the bored reader: write a function,
> (byte-array-maker N), that takes a width N, and returns a function
> that takes an Integer as input and returns an N-width byte array
> containing the Integer in big-endian order. E.g.
> ((byte-array-maker 4) 652187261)
Not sure if this will help with what you are working on. I ran across
a similar problem last week and ended up writing a generic library
that converts various sizes of integers to big or little endian byte
arrays and then back again.
Code is located at:
Thanks Stu! I wasn't aware of the meta function. That helps a lot!
I looked for occurrences of "(meta " throughout the clojure and
clojure-contrib repositories, but I didn't find a function that prints
the code for a given function. That would be incredibly useful for
learning! Does anybody know
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Mark Volkmann
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:45 PM, prhlava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> Thank you all for the posts and explanations,
>> After getting the clojure SVN version and few tweaks in the code, the
Hi Mark,
The metadata points to the source:
user> (meta #'with-open)
{:doc "bindings => name init\n\n Evaluates body in a try expression
with name bound to the value of\n init, and a finally clause that
calls (.close name).", :ns #, :arglists
([bindings & body]), :file "core.clj", :name
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:45 PM, prhlava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello again,
> Thank you all for the posts and explanations,
> After getting the clojure SVN version and few tweaks in the code, the
> working result looks like:
> (with-open [ofile (new java.io.Fil
Hello again,
Thank you all for the posts and explanations,
After getting the clojure SVN version and few tweaks in the code, the
working result looks like:
(with-open [ofile (new java.io.FileOutputStream
(str result-directory
> Dealing with byte-arrays, you will want to use the write-method that
> takes an array, not the one that takes a string.
> Constructing the array is a bit tricky:
> ; Define your int
> (def pix 652187261)
> ; Define your array, typed as array of char
> (def payload
> (into-array Chara
In general, Writers are for character data and OutputStreams are for
binary data. If possible, create a FileOutputStream like this:
(ns my.ns
(:import (java.io FileOutputStream)))
(def ofile (FileOutputStream. "/some/file/somewhere"))
and use one of the write methods of FileOutputStream.
On Nov 19, 5:51 pm, prhlava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (. ofile write (str
> (char (bit-shift-right pix 16))
> (char (bit-shift-right pix 8))
> (char pix)))
Hello all,
I have started to play with the clojure a day ago and today I have
almost finished porting simple program (from plt-scheme).
The place I got stuck in is - how to write a binary value (multiple
bytes) in one write operation to a file... The code uses
java.io.FileWriter, but this wants
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