How about trying:
This is working good here, at least from within a leiningen project.
On Saturday, September 15, 2012 2:39:36 AM UTC-4, sal wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Trying to setup emacs 24.2 on mac osx clean setup, nothing else.
> clojure-mode 20120808..
sal writes:
> i am able to run clojure-jack-in and start swank server
Are you able to use the repl?
> , but never see the
> command slime-mode, slime-connect in emacs.
Not sure what you mean by this. Are these commands not available once
the repl is running? The jack-in process is responsible
Hi Everyone,
Trying to setup emacs 24.2 on mac osx clean setup, nothing else.
clojure-mode 20120808 installed Major mode for Clojure code
[source: github]
nrepl 20120912.248 installed Client for Clojure nREPL [source:
nrepl-ritz 20120913 installed nrepl ext