see if the elisp exists, like so:
M-x describe-function
see if the keymap exists like so:
M-x describe-value
if they do, go to a java file higher up in the stack trace, and see if
^c^x^b works there.
if not, try running this from the slime-repl:
thanks George for your reply.
for some reason C-c C-x C-b key stroke does not seem to be bound .. however,
I don't mind typing the command at the repl. But, I don't seem to get the
path right? .. should the path be absolute or should it be relative to the
directory where the project.clj resides..?
so cdt supports two kinds of breakpoints, method breakpoints, (with
the set-bp function) and line breakpoints, (with the ^c^x^b,)
keystroke in emacs.
You are corrrect that the set-bp function doesn't work properly with
multi-methods, but line breakpoints should be working. Are they?
On Apr 26,
Hello everybody,
I am unable to set break points at multimethods using set-bp ..( I am able
to set break points for other functions.. though) .. can somebody tell me
how to do this? I am using swank-cdt integration. It works very nicely
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