Roland Kaercher wrote:
I *strongly* recommend doing all your testing in a repl buffer. That
given, there are two ways to solve your problem. The first, which I
prefer, is to start by testing everything:
(use 'midje.repl)
Other than having a REPL, is t
if you're using emacs with cider for development you can easily execute a
single test by putting the cursor after the fact and pressing C-x C-e
(which evaluates the expression and returns a boolean value) or using
midje-mode which has the advantage that failures are explained inline.
Hi Brian,
On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 1:19 AM, Brian Marick wrote:
> I *strongly* recommend doing all your testing in a repl buffer. That
> given, there are two ways to solve your problem. The first, which I prefer,
> is to start by testing everything:
> (use 'midje.repl)
> (autotest)
I *strongly* recommend doing all your testing in a repl buffer. That
given, there are two ways to solve your problem. The first, which I
prefer, is to start by testing everything:
(use 'midje.repl)
Then, when you change any text and save the namespace it's in, all tests
Suppose I have this test
(facts "do-a-thing" {:exercise 1 :points 1} (do-a-thing 3) => 46656.0 (
do-a-thing 1) => 4.0 (do-a-thing 0) => 1.0)
Is there a way I can only run this test
I tried lein midje :filter exercise 1
but that one fails.
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