These are both fantastic. It has been 25 years since I had a serious math
class (no Stats either - Set Theory, Category Theory), so this has taken me
a few afternoons to wrap my head around.
Spline? Cubic? Bicubic? RBF? Shephard? And that's just interpolation.
Its weird that the Commons Math do
Check out my fastmath library:
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Hey Charles,
Maybe check out the apache commons-math3 interpolators:
On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 11:04 AM Charles Harvey III <> wrote:
> Greet
A current project I am working on needs to run a Bilinear Interpolation. R
and Python (SciPy) have functions for this: interp2. I think this is just a
fancy name for particular matrix multiplication. But I'm not really sure.
Can I cobble this together in core.matrix? Incanter? Neandert