OK I will address further questions on the proper mailing list...just a
quick comment about your snippet though
It doesn't exactly help me because you've got 'invoke-later' as the 2nd
arg to the future which means I'm losing the value that should be
returned from the long running calculati
It's probably better to ask on the seesaw mailing list [1] rather than
this more general list.
With the info you've given it's hard to tell, but I'd guess you're
setting the cursor and then doing a long-running operation in the UI
thread. When you do that, the cursor (and ui) is never updated
another question...why won't this do anything?
(seesaw/config! canvas :cursor :wait) ;;canvas is a result of
(seesaw/canvas ... ... ...)
I also tried
(seesaw/config! (seesaw/to-root canvas) :cursor :wait)
but the proxied JFrame does not support the :cursor option!
what am I missing?