Re: having trouble setting the cursor with seesaw

2012-08-27 Thread Jim - FooBar();
OK I will address further questions on the proper mailing list...just a quick comment about your snippet though It doesn't exactly help me because you've got 'invoke-later' as the 2nd arg to the future which means I'm losing the value that should be returned from the long running calculati

Re: having trouble setting the cursor with seesaw

2012-08-26 Thread Dave Ray
Hi, It's probably better to ask on the seesaw mailing list [1] rather than this more general list. With the info you've given it's hard to tell, but I'd guess you're setting the cursor and then doing a long-running operation in the UI thread. When you do that, the cursor (and ui) is never updated

having trouble setting the cursor with seesaw

2012-08-26 Thread Jim - FooBar();
another question...why won't this do anything? (seesaw/config! canvas :cursor :wait) ;;canvas is a result of (seesaw/canvas ... ... ...) I also tried (seesaw/config! (seesaw/to-root canvas) :cursor :wait) but the proxied JFrame does not support the :cursor option! what am I missing? thanks