On Jan 25, 8:55 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> constructors (like methods) are not first class. You have to wrap it
> in a factory function.
> (defn make-foo
> [a b c d]
> (Foo. a b c d))
> (apply make-foo [1 2 3 4])
> Sincerely
> Meikel
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constructors (like methods) are not first class. You have to wrap it
in a factory function.
(defn make-foo
[a b c d]
(Foo. a b c d))
(apply make-foo [1 2 3 4])
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To post to thi
Quick question...I am trying to populate a record with values provided
in a list. I'm definitely doing it the wrong way...but maybe there's
no good way to do it.
Here's what I do (clojure 1.2.0 by the way):
(defrecord Foo [x y z])
(Foo. 1 2 3)
#:user.Foo{:x 1, :y 2, :z 3}
but then:
(apply Foo