One last question about clojure and derby: once I store a character
large object type (CLOB), does anyone know of a best-practices way of
converting it back into string from a resultset-seq for use in clojure
processing? Thanks in advance for any help in this area.
First of all, I was able to shutdown derby within clojure, to remove
the lock files. I execute this code:
(defn shutdown-derby [dbspec]
(java.sql.DriverManager/getConnection (str "jdbc:derby:" (:subname
dbspec) ";shutdown=true"))
(catch java.sql.SQLException sqle
(if (= "08006
Yes, it is running in a REPL right now, but I have gone to the
extent of unloading NetBeans (and I assume clojure) fully (no java
processes running), and still the lock file remains. But it does not
prevent me from reloading my clojure project in NetBeans and re-
connecting. However, N
I've seen the same thing with embedded Derby while using SLIME. From within the
REPL I was always able to reconnect to the same database, so it didn't really
impact me. Outside the REPL I didn't notice a problem.
If it holds you up, here's one observation you might investigate. Calling
Is your Clojure app running in a REPL? I've run into situations where
it seems like the Derby lock file doesn't go away until the Clojure
process terminates.
-Stuart Sierra
On Feb 17, 10:28 am, BrianS wrote:
> Has anyone had experience creating clojure applications that use the
> embedded der
Has anyone had experience creating clojure applications that use the
embedded derby database driver? I am having an issue where I am unable
to get the derby embedded database to shut down properly from within
More specifically, whenever a java app accesses a derby embedded
database, it c