Re: Slime and stuff

2009-10-22 Thread Stuart Campbell
Thanks Brian. In fact, I hadn't properly installed SLIME. However, I discovered that clojure-mode has an installation function which downloads and installs all dependencies (clojure, clojure-contrib, slime and swank-clojure). It all seems to be working correctly now. 2009/10/22 blcooley > > I r

Re: Slime and stuff

2009-10-22 Thread blcooley
I run SLIME with Clojure on Aquamacs, and I used Geoffrey Grosenbach's emacs starter kit ( to get set up. The emacswiki suggests that loading the .emacs file is deprecated (, and I couldn't get it to

Re: Slime and stuff

2009-10-21 Thread Jeff Straszheim
I haven't tried it yet. I've been very busy. If I have any trouble, though, I'll post here. On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:31 AM, Stuart Campbell <> wrote: > Jeffrey, did this work for you? I followed the instructions on the > screencast and I couldn't get a REPL to

Re: Slime and stuff

2009-10-21 Thread Stuart Campbell
Jeffrey, did this work for you? I followed the instructions on the screencast and I couldn't get a REPL to open in Aquamacs. (The only thing I did differently was put the contents of customizations.el into ~/.emacs.) Do I have to install SLIME separately... ? 2009/10/21 Jeffrey Straszheim > Tha

Re: Slime and stuff

2009-10-20 Thread Jeffrey Straszheim
Thanks! On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 4:01 AM, Giancarlo Angulo wrote: > > > > > > = > ANGOL > = > -|-^...@^_^, =|+^_^X++~_~,@- > > "The only thing worse than a hopeless romantic is a hopeful one" > >

Re: Slime and stuff

2009-10-20 Thread Giancarlo Angulo = ANGOL = -|-^...@^_^, =|+^_^X++~_~,@- "The only thing worse than a hopeless romantic is a hopeful one" Magbasa bago Mamuna. Mag-isip bago mambatikos Without Truth there is no Justice, Witho

Slime and stuff

2009-10-19 Thread Jeffrey Straszheim
So, I just upgraded my machine to a Macbook Pro, and am reinstalling everything. I'm thinking about using Slime with Aquamacs. Does anyone have a link to a tutorial getting Slime up and running w/ Aquamacs? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because yo