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Another observation: it seems that the type inference stumbles only when
there is an overloaded method with the same arity (?):
(import 'java.time.format.TextStyle)
(let [builder (DateTimeFormatterBuilder.)]
(.appendZoneText builder TextStyle/FULL #{}))
This is a similar case in th
Actually s/constant/literal/
On 16 May 2016, at 15:53, Alex Miller wrote:
> This is kind of an interesting case. From poking at it a bit, the {} is typed
> as a IPersistentMap, and IPM does NOT extend java.util.Map (although the
> implementations like PersistentArrayMap and PersistentHashMap do via
> APersistentMap).
This is kind of an interesting case. From poking at it a bit, the {} is
typed as a IPersistentMap, and IPM does NOT extend java.util.Map (although
the implementations like PersistentArrayMap and PersistentHashMap do via
I think the interesting question is why the type hint is n
I am getting a reflection warning in Java interop and don’t understand
(import 'java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(let [builder (DateTimeFormatterBuilder.)]
(.appendText builder C