Ah, ok. I guess I was thrown off because evaluating sequence and eduction
results both produce output at the REPL, but only sequence can be output as
JSON at the REPL.
On Friday, December 22, 2017 at 1:46:59 PM UTC-5, Sean Corfield wrote:
> Their respective docstrings give a hint here:
Even though evaluation and realization of sequences is lazy, they cache
their result after evaluation. If you consume an object from the `sequence`
function more than once, the work is only done once. Sequences are iterable
and reducible, but not as efficiently because of the caching and because
Their respective docstrings give a hint here:
Sequence – “returns a lazy sequence”.
Eduction – “returns a reducible/iterable …”.
(type (sequence identity [1 2 3])) => clojure.lang.LazySeq
(type (eduction identity [1 2 3])) => clojure.core.Eduction
If you look at that cheshire.generate/generate f