On Jul 13, 1:16 am, Christian Marks <9fv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you. Based on this I've simplified the code further.
You could combine the test for a cycle leader
with the cycle length count--but your original
code, which calculates cycle lengths only if
a cycle leader is identified, is mo
On Jul 10, 10:16 pm, FL wrote:
\> If you replace your
> > (defn order-perm [perm]
> > (let [n (count perm)]
> with the more compact
> (defn order-permo [perm]
> (reduce (fn [order i] (if (= i (next-cycle-leader perm i))
On Jul 9, 8:58 am, Christian Marks <9fv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The clojure code below applies the constant space algorithm ... of C. J. Gower
... to the computation of the order of a permutation [Knuth, D. E.,
“Selected Papers on Analysis of
> Algorithms,” CSLI Lecture Notes Number 102, CSLI Pub
On Jul 10, 7:15 am, Michael Gardner wrote:
> I think Christian wanted to know *why* one "should" eliminate recur. I can't
> think of a reason to avoid it myself, though I also don't recall hearing any
> recommendations against using recur.
Just my two cents, but the main reason to consider ma
On Jul 9, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Brian Hurt wrote:
> If there is an obvious way to rewrite the code using doseq or fold (or reduce
> or map or etc), then yes- you should do it. However, if this way to rewrite
> the code isn't obvious in 10 seconds of thought, don't worry about it. Use
> loop/recur.
On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Christian Marks <9fv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using recur, however some clojure programmers inform me that recur
> "should" be eliminated in favor of doseq or fold. I see nothing wrong
> with recur myself--am I missing
> something?
If there is an obvious way
The clojure code below applies the constant space algorithm to apply a
permutation to an array of C. J. Gower to the computation of the order
of a permutation [Knuth, D. E., “Selected Papers on Analysis of
Algorithms,” CSLI Lecture Notes Number 102, CSLI Publications, (2000),
p 4]. The order of a p