Thanks for your answer. I will adapt the small number of programs I have to
the newer version of the library. Rather than criticize your efforts in a
language in which I am still very much a student, I will just say I miss
the required optional syntax. Other than that, your library is extremely
The library was originally based on Clargon (a library I wrote) which
had the interface you are describing (optional and required
functions). Various changes were made after getting feedback on the
clojure-dev mailing list, which you can read about here if you're
Given the following code
(defn parse-opts
"Using the newer cli library, parses command line args."
(cli args
(optional ["--in-file-name" ".csv input file" :default
"resultset.csv"] identity)
(optional ["--out-file-name" ".csv pipe delimited output file"
:default "accum