Thanks for the help! I found and corrected a few more errors. You can
see the final result with documentation, at
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On 2 April 2010 15:00, Kevin wrote:
>> Here's my best attempt so far:
>> --
>> (ns piccoloHello
>> (:gen-class)
>> (:import (edu.umd.cs.piccolo PCanvas PNode PLayer)
>> (edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes PText)
>> (edu.umd.cs.piccolox PFrame)))
> Here's my best attempt so far:
> --
> (ns piccoloHello
> (:gen-class)
> (:import (edu.umd.cs.piccolo PCanvas PNode PLayer)
>(edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes PText)
>(edu.umd.cs.piccolox PFrame)))
> (defn create-frame
> "Creates the ma
Hi-- I'm trying to write a GUI-based Java program from within Clojure,
and I'm using an interesting library called Piccolo2D (http:// The worldwide intersection of Clojure and
Piccolo2D is probably *me*, but I'm hoping that someone here can point
me in the right direction.