Well the solution in my case was to create a map from visited types to
visited members (http://tinyurl.com/poq5e2) the visitation logic uses
this map in order to invoke the next visit (http://tinyurl.com/
This "pattern" enables visitors to be implemented in Clojure for pure
Java based fr
On May 4, 11:52 pm, Alex Osborne wrote:
> Thankfully, Mark managed to figure out a way of doing it with with gen-
> class by using an undocumented (?) feature where you can put types
> into the method names so as to pick the exact one you want to
> override:
> (ns org.example.FancyInputStream
On Mar 23, 9:55 am, ronen wrote:
> [... what] I actually need is a way of overriding specific methods (like the
> visit
> (MethodDeclaration n, A arg) and not all of them.
I keep running into this problem again and again myself, so I thought
I might post some notes. The short of it: doing anyt
Well it seems to be more complicated than that, defining a visit
method overrides the call to the visit(CompilationUnit n, A arg)
method which contains the basic visitation logic, what that
I actually need is a way of overriding specific methods (like the visit
(MethodDeclaration n, A arg) and no
On Mar 21, 6:13 pm, ronen wrote:
> Hello there,
> Iv been trying to implement a proxy on a class
> (http://code.google.com/p/javaparser/source/browse/trunk/JavaParser/sr...)
> that has multiple overloaded methods (same arity different types),
> trying
> (defn create-visitor []
> (proxy [Void
Hello there,
Iv been trying to implement a proxy on a class (
that has multiple overloaded methods (same arity different types),
(defn create-visitor []