I do not know exactly what is going on, but suspect it is something to do with
conversion between float and double (or Java Float and Double).
Try replacing the argument 19.1 with each of these possibilities, and you
should see what I mean:
(double 19.1)
(Double. 19.1)
(float 19.1)
(Float 19.1)
I defined this macro https://gist.github.com/4646206 that expands to a
It behaves like this
mycode.core> ((interval-test-fn "9.0,9.7-10.8,19.1+") 19.1)
mycode.core> (macroexpand-1 '(interval-test-fn "9.0,9.7-10.8,19.1+"))
(clojure.core/fn [v8568] (clojure.core/or (clojure.core/<