On 14 Gen, 17:58, Chouser wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Rock wrote:
> [snip]
> > #^{:ack bar} foo ; (clojure/with-meta foo {:ack bar})
> This is not correct, and a common misunderstanding.
> "#^ is not sugar for with-meta. It does not expand into a call to
> with- meta
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Rock wrote:
> #^{:ack bar} foo ; (clojure/with-meta foo {:ack bar})
This is not correct, and a common misunderstanding.
"#^ is not sugar for with-meta. It does not expand into a call to
with- meta. They are not equivalent."
Here's an update on syntax-quote in the WikiBook (Reader Macro
The most complicated reader macro is syntax-quote, denoted by ` (back-
tick). When used on a symbol, syntax-quote is like quote but the
symbol is resolved to its fully-qualified name:
`meow; (quote cat/meow) ...assuming
On Jan 13, 11:35 am, Rock wrote:
> I've added some info regarding the backquote expansion mechanism in
> the Reader section here:
> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Learning_Clojure#The_Reader
> I tried to answer the author's question regarding the possible
> expansion order in nested backquote
I've added some info regarding the backquote expansion mechanism in
the Reader section here:
I tried to answer the author's question regarding the possible
expansion order in nested backquotes and the general algorithm Clojure
apparently e