Thanks for the help Lauri!
On Oct 25, 10:29 am, Lauri Pesonen wrote:
> Hi John,
> 2009/10/25 jsrodrigues :
> > When I try the following:
> > user=> (into {} (map #([% (* % %)]) [1 2 3 4]))
> The #(...) form assumes that the is a function call and thus it is
> implicitly wrapped i
Thanks Lauri. I was stuck on this too.
FYI this issue prompted me to submit a patch to improve the arity
error message:
You received this message because you are s
Hi John,
2009/10/25 jsrodrigues :
> When I try the following:
> user=> (into {} (map #([% (* % %)]) [1 2 3 4]))
The #(...) form assumes that the is a function call and thus it is
implicitly wrapped in parens. That is, #(+ % %) becomes (fn [x] (+ x
x)). So in your code the anonymous function bo
I'm trying to find the #(...) equivalent of (fn [] ...) for the
following case:
user=> (into {} (map (fn [x] [x (* x x)]) [1 2 3 4]))
{4 16, 3 9, 2 4, 1 1}
When I try the following:
user=> (into {} (map #([% (* % %)]) [1 2 3 4]))
I get the error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Illeg