Thank you, appreciate it
On Feb 7, 2018 12:16 AM, "Aditya Athalye" wrote:
> Welcome to Clojure, Nadeen.
> A few friends and I created "Clojure by example" for programmers not
> familiar with Clojure
> This is intended as a quick-start to a
Welcome to Clojure, Nadeen.
A few friends and I created "Clojure by example" for programmers not
familiar with Clojure
This is intended as a quick-start to a common way of problem-solving with
The README explains more, and should he
You are welcome to send questions here, of course. I wanted to point out
another resource that many people take advantage of: The #beginners channel
on Slack.
Sorry, I don't recall the exact button clicks necessary after you create a
free account on Slack fo
Thanks Simon, I am using the repl and I am sorry, I should have click share
to make it easier, don't know what I was thinking.
Thanks everyone for your help, really appreciate it.
On Feb 6, 2018 10:32 AM, "Simon Luetzelschwab" wrote:
> Hi Nadeen,
> Welcome to Clojure!
> I'd recommend incorp
Hi Nadeen,
Welcome to Clojure!
I'd recommend incorporating Clojure's excellent REPL into your workflow to
easily try things out with quick feedback.
Here's an online version with your code snippet prepopulated - just hit the
run button!
Thanks for the quick response James. Yes, you hit the nail on the head with
me not understanding map, explanation you provided helps. I like the second
option better. I have tried both options and now I am getting
"illegalargumentexception, key must be an integer"
When I call
(state-desc3 input-fil
(#(map :st_abbrev input-file))
Is equivalent to:
(map :st_abbrev input-file)
Because your putting the form in an anonymous function, then immediately
calling it. This is equivalent to just evaluating the form.
Next, I think you're confused as to how `map` handles multiple arguments.
Can someone help me with the following please: I am new to clojure and i
haven't developed in 4 years, previous was mainframe. See questions in blue
; Task is to add full state name based on st_abbr
(def input-file [{:st_abbrev "AZ", :firstname "john", :lastname "smith"}