> I don't see any way to significantly improve your speed, but I can
> save you some lines of code:
Thanks! I ended up calling out to grep instead :) Here is the code if
someone else wants to do similar things:
(defn real-grep [pattern]
(debug (str "pattern: " pattern))
(let [cmd-arr
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Mathias Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Today I came up with this:
> (defn locate-lines [regexp]
> (let [pattern (. java.util.regex.Pattern
> (compile regexp
>(. java.util.regex.Pattern
Today I came up with this:
(defn locate-lines [regexp]
(let [pattern (. java.util.regex.Pattern
(compile regexp
(. java.util.regex.Pattern
(debug (str "pattern: " pattern))
(with-open r (new java.io.LineNumberReader