Here is the finished Yatzy, in case anyone is interested:
kl. 19:05:50 UTC+2 onsdag 8. oktober 2014 skrev Johannes Langøy følgende:
> Thanks!
> kl. 02:17:45 UTC+2 onsdag 8. oktober 2014 skrev
> følgende:
kl. 02:17:45 UTC+2 onsdag 8. oktober 2014 skrev
> *output
> On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 8:17:34 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>> You need to flush the input stream after printing. Call
>> (clojure.core/flush) to do so.
>> On Tuesday, Oct
You need to flush the input stream after printing. Call
(clojure.core/flush) to do so.
On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 4:51:05 PM UTC-4, Johannes Langøy wrote:
> Hi, I can't figure this out. I have these two functions:
> (defn get-number []
> (try (let [input (read-string (read-line))]
On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 8:17:34 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> You need to flush the input stream after printing. Call
> (clojure.core/flush) to do so.
> On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 4:51:05 PM UTC-4, Johannes Langøy wrote:
>> Hi, I can't figure this out. I have these
Hi, I can't figure this out. I have these two functions:
(defn get-number []
(try (let [input (read-string (read-line))]
(if (number? input)
(catch Exception e (get-number
(defn selection-handler [tests]
(dotimes [i (count tests)
If you're defining functions depending on yet-to-be-defined functions, you
may need to use the "declare" macro.
So, you may need to loop through your data with declare first, and then
proceed with the definitions.
Hi Erebus,
I am also new so I'm also just guessing.
What if you execute the code inside define-all-properties directly without
wrapping it in a function?
Am 02.09.2013 um 19:04 schrieb Erebus Mons :
> (defn define-all-properties
> []
> (for [ stuff ]
>(eval `(defn ~name [arg#]
> I assume that making a makro out of *define-all-properties* is not the way
> to go, because it depends on the reading of a file, which should not yet
> be
> done at compile time (this may be a false assumption;...).
> Seems to me this is the key to how you'd construct your program. The cs
I am trying to find my way around clojure and leiningen. I created a project
with lein new, and up to now, all my code is in the src/../core.clj file
I have a function that defines functions based on what is read in from a
csv-file, in the following format:
(defn define-all-properties