Re: Deploying Lein Template to Clojars

2015-08-27 Thread Matthew Molloy
Great, I was just typing the wrong password! On Friday, August 28, 2015 at 3:51:26 AM UTC+8, James Reeves wrote: > > The "org.clojars.username/project" naming scheme is generally for your own > projects, or your own forks, that you're not publicising for general use. > For instance, perhaps you

Re: Deploying Lein Template to Clojars

2015-08-27 Thread James Reeves
The "org.clojars.username/project" naming scheme is generally for your own projects, or your own forks, that you're not publicising for general use. For instance, perhaps you have a fork of Compojure, and decide to name it "org.clojars.whamlet/compojure". For Leiningen templates you should use the

Deploying Lein Template to Clojars

2015-08-27 Thread Matthew Molloy
According to the current documentation I create a leiningen plugin using the pattern (defproject your-template-name/lein-template "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" however the clojars tutorial indicates that projects should be named as (defproject org.clojars.whamtet/too-hot "1.0.0" where whamtet is m