Re: Clojure Speed performance test

2011-08-22 Thread Isaac Gouy
On Aug 18, 7:34 am, Michael Jaaka wrote: > For list reduction it is said to remove every third solder but just > with 1 step they remove 1 soldier. There is something wrong Scully. The author knows, and says that "variant" seemed more interesting. (It should be easy enough to factor out the d

Re: Clojure Speed performance test

2011-08-22 Thread Isaac Gouy
On Aug 18, 6:50 am, David Nolen wrote: > The Clojure code posted there is pretty awful and shows a gross, gross > misunderstanding of Clojure data types. I submitted one improved version > already, but didn't spend the time to make it really, really fast. > > For this particular kind of pointles

Re: Clojure Speed performance test

2011-08-22 Thread artg
Below is a Clojure solution that runs in 8.58 microseconds on my machine. I only did it for the 40, 3 case. Records are linked. The list reduction solution runs in 23.4 and the element recursion in 27.3 --art (defrecord Soldier [val r]) (def v (vec (map #(Soldier. % (inc %)) (range 40 (def v2

Re: Clojure Speed performance test

2011-08-18 Thread Michael Jaaka
For list reduction it is said to remove every third solder but just with 1 step they remove 1 soldier. There is something wrong Scully. On Aug 18, 3:50 pm, David Nolen wrote: > The Clojure code posted there is pretty awful and shows a gross, gross > misunderstanding of Clojure data types. I submi

Re: Clojure Speed performance test

2011-08-18 Thread David Nolen
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote: > Maybe Clojure code needs some type annotations. Type annotations will not help this code at all. David -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to cloj

Re: Clojure Speed performance test

2011-08-18 Thread David Nolen
The Clojure code posted there is pretty awful and shows a gross, gross misunderstanding of Clojure data types. I submitted one improved version already, but didn't spend the time to make it really, really fast. For this particular kind of pointless benchmark it's not hard to get identical Java per

Re: Clojure Speed performance test

2011-08-18 Thread Paulo Pinto
Maybe Clojure code needs some type annotations. On Aug 18, 9:40 am, Roberto Mannai wrote: > Hello, > I recently stumbled upon this > page: > They are comparing several languages (Java, Scala, Python, Erlang, > Clojure, Ruby, Groovy, Javascrip

Clojure Speed performance test

2011-08-18 Thread Roberto Mannai
Hello, I recently stumbled upon this page: They are comparing several languages (Java, Scala, Python, Erlang, Clojure, Ruby, Groovy, Javascript), and Clojure rated very badly: Object Oriented List Reduction Elemen

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-19 Thread Jarl Haggerty
Ok, I changed the java version to add x to an accumulator and now it runs just a little slower than clojure, probably because of the extra adding. And if you don't mind one more trivial example... Should I be able assign to the members of an object in Clojure just as fast as I could in Java? I h

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-18 Thread David Nolen
On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 12:26 AM, Jarl Haggerty wrote: > Is there a reason I can't get this clojure program to compare with the > java one? > > The following code: > > for(int q = 0;q < 5;q++){ > Point2D.Float a = new Point2D.Float(1, 2), b = new > Point2D.Float(3, 4); >long start = System

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-18 Thread Jarl Haggerty
Is there a reason I can't get this clojure program to compare with the java one? The following code: for(int q = 0;q < 5;q++){ Point2D.Float a = new Point2D.Float(1, 2), b = new Point2D.Float(3, 4); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int d = 0;d < (int)1e9;d++){

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-11 Thread Chouser
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 11:26 PM, Jarl Haggerty wrote: > Hmm, I should have thought of that. > > New Clojure: > > (ns hello.test >  (import org.jbox2d.common.Vec2) >  (:gen-class)) > > (defn -main [& args] >  (dotimes [q 5] >    (let [#^Vec2 a (Vec2. 1 2) >          #^Vec2 b (Vec2. 3 4)] >      (t

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-10 Thread Jarl Haggerty
Hmm, I should have thought of that. New Clojure: (ns hello.test (import org.jbox2d.common.Vec2) (:gen-class)) (defn -main [& args] (dotimes [q 5] (let [#^Vec2 a (Vec2. 1 2) #^Vec2 b (Vec2. 3 4)] (time (loop [x (int 0)] (when (< x (int 1e9))

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-10 Thread David Nolen
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Jarl Haggerty wrote: > I've been benchmarking java and clojure programs and wanted to make > sure I was doing this right. I made two fairly similar programs that > manipulated Vec2 objects from the JBox2D library. At first clojure > was performing pretty poorly,

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-10 Thread David Nolen
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Jarl Haggerty wrote: > I've been benchmarking java and clojure programs and wanted to make > sure I was doing this right. I made two fairly similar programs that > manipulated Vec2 objects from the JBox2D library. At first clojure > was performing pretty poorly,

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-10 Thread Mark Engelberg
Try typehinting the a and b in the let. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscr

Re: Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-10 Thread Jarl Haggerty
I should readjust my 5x statement, it's more like 2.25x. On Mar 10, 8:39 pm, Jarl Haggerty wrote: > I've been benchmarking java and clojure programs and wanted to make > sure I was doing this right.  I made two fairly similar programs that > manipulated Vec2 objects from the JBox2D library.  At f

Comparing clojure speed to java speed

2011-03-10 Thread Jarl Haggerty
I've been benchmarking java and clojure programs and wanted to make sure I was doing this right. I made two fairly similar programs that manipulated Vec2 objects from the JBox2D library. At first clojure was performing pretty poorly, then I tried compiling my clojure script, and then replacing th

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-03 Thread Jon Harrop
On Monday 02 February 2009 19:12:48 David Nolen wrote: > Please do the list a favor and read the very long threads about > performance. I would be interested to see a Clojure port of my ray tracer benchmark: -- Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Con

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-03 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
2009/2/3 Gregory Petrosyan : > Here you can find similar > microbenchmark. Java is more than 3х slower than Python's built-in > integers, and more than 10x slower than GMPY ones. Seems like Java's > BigIntegers have some problems with performance, hm?

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-03 Thread David Nolen
Even more constructive is to take a real Python program that you've written where you actually care about it's performance. Rewrite it Clojure. Do some investigation about which parts seem slow to you. Spend some time on this. Come back with some code and questions and you'll probably get some

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-03 Thread Gregory Petrosyan
On Feb 3, 12:50 pm, André Thieme wrote: > Hi, welcome in the group. > Can you please write that program in Java and see how well it > performs for you? Will try to compare Java and Clojure later. Here you can find similar microbenchmark. Java is mor

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-03 Thread André Thieme
On 2 Feb., 16:35, Gregory Petrosyan wrote: > Clojure rev. 1173: > user=> (defn fac [#^Integer n] (reduce * (range 1 (+ 1 n > #'user/fac > user=> (time (reduce + (map fac (range 1000 > "Elapsed time: 944.798019 msecs" > > Python 3.0:>>> import timeit > >>> t=timeit.Timer('sum(fac(n) for n

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-03 Thread Gregory Petrosyan
On Feb 2, 10:29 pm, David Nolen wrote: > Heh, this is a more reasoned reply than my own as it points out an actual > implementation difference between Python and Clojure. And of course you > might need arbitrary precision arithmetic in your program, but again this > just reinforces the insignific

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-02 Thread David Nolen
Heh, this is a more reasoned reply than my own as it points out an actual implementation difference between Python and Clojure. And of course you might need arbitrary precision arithmetic in your program, but again this just reinforces the insignificance of microbenchmarks without some context of w

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-02 Thread David Nolen
Please do the list a favor and read the very long threads about performance. You cannot expect to enter a new language run a microbenchmark you would never see in a running programming and expect that to be anything like a real comparison. Here's something unlikely but far less so (something like

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-02 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
It is safe to assume that Python uses the GMP library for its infinite precision math, no? This could be a big part of the explanation as, if the language shootouts are to be believed, BigInteger and BigDecimal have inferior performance when compared to what can be achieved with GMP. For problems

Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-02 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 02.02.2009, at 16:35, Gregory Petrosyan wrote: > Althrough I am new to Clojure, I like it a lot. Because it is > advertised as native JVM language, I expected it to demostrate decent > performance in simple numeric tests, so I decided to compare it to > Python. > > Clojure rev. 1173: > user=>

Clojure speed

2009-02-02 Thread Gregory Petrosyan
Hello everybody, Althrough I am new to Clojure, I like it a lot. Because it is advertised as native JVM language, I expected it to demostrate decent performance in simple numeric tests, so I decided to compare it to Python. Clojure rev. 1173: user=> (defn fac [#^Integer n] (reduce * (range 1 (+