Re: Clojure / RootBeer / CUDA / GPU

2012-10-03 Thread Jules
Hey Karsten, You obviously have a lot more energy and patience to throw at this problem than me :-) - I am lazy and looking for a quick fix... I thought I would post my findings here and resuscitate this thread in case anyone had anything to add... Here's what I have found - There are a numbe

Re: Clojure / RootBeer / CUDA / GPU

2012-09-05 Thread Karsten Schmidt
Although a CLJ->OpenCL translator has crossed my mind recently too, here's something slightly different to what you're trying, but still related... A few weeks ago I started a new Clojure wrapper around JOCL ( to at least help to take out the hassle/tedium of setting up, configuring and

Re: Clojure / RootBeer / CUDA / GPU

2012-09-05 Thread Timothy Baldridge
OpenCL has some pretty major limitations that CUDA does not have. Namely, no support for function pointers, vtables (needed for OOP) or malloc on the device. These all make it quite hard to implement something as dynamic as a Java VM. The only RootBeer example I can see actually is more like a C pr

Re: Clojure / RootBeer / CUDA / GPU

2012-09-05 Thread Jules
Sounds like fun too :-) I have an NVidia card and when I heard about Rootbeer, I couldn't resist, but I can understand your taking the OpenCL route for portability... although I imagined that OpenCL would define an abstract layer that would require another level of compilation to a target platf

Re: Clojure / RootBeer / CUDA / GPU

2012-09-04 Thread Håkan Råberg
Hi Jules, I've just been hacking on OpenCL a bit the last few days[1] - Rootbeer was an inspiration after seeing it a few weeks back. I'm not trying to go down the Rootbeer route myself, but the ideas of having (cl-map f ...) is one direction one can take it. I've been mainly trying to get my h

Re: Clojure / RootBeer / CUDA / GPU

2012-09-04 Thread Håkan Råberg
Hi Jules, I've just been hacking on OpenCL a bit the last few days[1] - Rootbeer was an inspiration after seeing it a few weeks back. I'm not trying to go down the Rootbeer route myself, but the idea of having (cl-map f ...) is one direction one can take it (I've been looking a bit at Haskell's

Clojure / RootBeer / CUDA / GPU

2012-09-02 Thread Jules
Guys, Has anyone read about RootBeer - My understanding is that it can compile Java bytecode -> CUDA GPU code. A Java class that you want to run on your CUDA GPU must subclass the RootBeer Kernel interface. So, I wondering what would happen if I 1) imple