Hey Antonio, thanks for responding.
I guess I'm a bit annoyed that *lein-haml-sass*, isn't managing it's own
3rd party tools itself. I'll check out the links you mentioned.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Antonio Terreno
> I never used that lein plugin but the output is qui
I never used that lein plugin but the output is quite clear:
> Warning: JRuby home "/Users/timothyw/Tools/jruby-1.4.0" does not exist:
It seems like your jruby home is not properly configured, my favourite
way to achieve this is to use
> LoadError: no su
Hi all,
I'm trying to find a Clojure solution for auto-compiling HAML and SCSS
code. I came across https://github.com/rtircher/lein-haml-sass, but that
fails when I try to compile with "*lein haml once*" or "*lein haml auto*".
Has anyone gotten this setup working? Or is there otherwise any other