Dear Max,
thank you very much for explanation :)
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Hi Bojan,
there has been a global change within the Facebook Graph API, it
doesn't sent a referer in the headers of the authentication callback
request anymore.
A middleware function of clj-facebook-graph has relied upon this
referer. I have fixed this issue in version 0.1.3-SNAPSHOT, but now
I got latest version of your framework from Github and it works OK.
I am not sure if this is related to new settings in Facebook App page (I put
most of them to Disabled now) or some global change.
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Dear Max,
have there been some changes around Facebook authentication, because now it
seems as token that is returned is not valid?
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Dear Max,
this works like a charm.
Thank you very much for real fast response.
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Hi Bojan,
I've added a basic support to post something against the Facebook
Graph API. The documentation for this new feature can be found under
Best regards
On 9 Mai, 20:22, Bojan Jovičić wrote:
> Hi Max,
> I have started investigating this,
Hi Max,
I have started investigating this, and it works very nice.
I am a noob in Clojure/Java and I have a question about posting to FB using
your library. I tried something like this:
*(def auth-token (facebook-auth-by-name))
(def auth-name (first (keys auth-token)))
Hi Max,
I'm already using your library for a university project, and it's very
well written.
Good job!
On Apr 8, 12:16 pm, Max Weber wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I like to introduce you to clj-facebook-graph, it is a Clojure client
> for the Facebook Graph API and it is based on cl
Hello everyone,
I like to introduce you to clj-facebook-graph, it is a Clojure client
for the Facebook Graph API and it is based on clj-http and Ring. I
have written a blog post about how to leverage clj-facebook-graph to
query the Facebook Graph API: