It took me a few hours of research and trial and error but I think this
will work:
user=> (def foo-handler
(reify System.Web.IHttpHandler
(get_IsReusable [this] false)
(ProcessRequest [this context] (
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Frank Hale wrote:
> I also tri
I also tried deftype
(deftype foo-handler []
(get_IsReusable [this] false)
(ProcessRequest [this context] ()))
InvalidCastException Unable to cast object of type 'clojure.lang.Var' to
type 'System.Type'. clojure.lang.Namespace.ReferenceClass
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 12:24
Hi John,
Yes I've tried adding get_ to the property name but I'm still not doing
something correctly.
(defn foo-handler []
(reify System.Web.IHttpHandler
(get_IsReusable [] false)
(ProcessRequest [context] (
CompilerException clojure.lang.CljCompiler.Ast.ParseException: Must supply
at least
If I recall, properties are just syntactic sugar for awkwardly named
methods. Have you tried the compiler-generated get and set method-names?
On Dec 9, 2013 9:50 AM, "Frank Hale" wrote:
> I'm trying to implement an interface that has properties but can't quite
> seem to get it to work and I also
I'm trying to implement an interface that has properties but can't quite
seem to get it to work and I also have not found any relevant examples via
Google (yet). I'm sure I'm doing something completely wrong here but have
no idea how to fix it.
(System.Reflection.Assembly/LoadWithPartialName "Syst