Thanks Hugo! I was just wishing for something like this for ClojureScript. I
look forward to checking it out.
> On Sep 3, 2014, at 1:19 PM, Hugo Duncan wrote:
> leaven [1] is a component library, much like Stuart Sierra's component,
> only it works for both clojure and clojurescri writes:
> If I'm understanding right, the main difference between Leaven and
> Component is that Leaven uses *defsystem* to specify an explicit start/stop
> ordering, while Component uses its *using* function to define dependencies
> between components, and works out the ord writes:
> Yeah, I worked back to the original to find the web-app. I note that the
> repo seems to default to develop, which results in a lot of errors when I
> try to "lein repl" in "example-web-app". (Missing clojars which are, in
> fact, missing.)
A `lein install` at t
If I'm understanding right, the main difference between Leaven and
Component is that Leaven uses *defsystem* to specify an explicit start/stop
ordering, while Component uses its *using* function to define dependencies
between components, and works out the ordering itself.
Also, while this is a rea
Yeah, I worked back to the original to find the web-app. I note that the
repo seems to default to develop, which results in a lot of errors when I
try to "lein repl" in "example-web-app". (Missing clojars which are, in
fact, missing.)
When I switch branch to the master, I don't get those errors, b writes:
> I'm not sure your [3] URL works.
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I'm not sure your [3] URL works.
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The links in my previous post seem to not be correct:
Description: PGP signature
leaven [1] is a component library, much like Stuart Sierra's component,
only it works for both clojure and clojurescript and is simpler.
bakery [2] is a library of leaven components, for both clojure and
An example web app [3] uses httpkit, sente, weasel, storage-atom,