If you have a look in the tests you'll see how I override the config there,
but it is a bit naff making you with-redefs one of the library's internal
vars, and double naff that you have to wrap it in a delay.
(with-redefs [conf-er/config-map (delay {:test 42})]
(fact (config :test) => 42))
If y
This looks simple and useful, thanks!
Supposing I had a function that called this library, how could I go about
testing it easily? That is, the configuration file becomes implicitly an
input to the function, one that I'd like to be able to control from my
tests. Perhaps something like this coul
A very simple library for loading application level config from a
configuration file in a nice way, with caching and reloading functionality.
Any other configuration libraries I found were either massively overkill
for my needs (full on validation schemas built in), too complicated to set
up a